Even with everything I went through in the past, I really could have never imagined I be here.
I didn't think I would be making appointments with fertility specialists. I didn’t think I would need more surgery. I didn’t think I would need 6 months of injections before surgery.
I never thought I would be sitting here praying that someday I hope I will get to be a mommy. I never thought I would be sitting here praying that someone will still want to marry me. I never thought I would be sitting here praying to see God’s plan.
I never would have thought I would have so much support from family and friends. I never would have thought how blessed I truly am. I never would have thought I could have been more thankful for my loved ones.
Even though I never would have thought I would be in this struggle, I still have faith. Faith in God, faith in His plan, faith in who I am, and who I am going to be. I will trust. I will wait. I will rely on Him.