Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Non-Hannah Montana Post

Since my last 2 posts told of my unfailing love for Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus, I thought I should post something that has nothing to do with that.

Last May I cut my hair and donated it to Locks of Love and since then I have kept my hair short. I LOVE having short hair; it is easier to manage and it takes so much less time to get ready. But lately I have been feeling convicted about growing my hair out again to donate. I haven't been growing out my hair simply because I am lazy.

I truly feel that God has been placing it on my heart to help others and donating my hair to Locks Of Love is a way that I can help others. My hair grows really fast and it is selfish of me to keep my hair short just because I don't want to hassle with long hair. But I have decided that I am going to do it, long hair here I come.

So basically this post is to say that I could use some prayers. Any woman who has grown their hair out knows that it is a long process that has some annoyances. I really want to succeed with my new goal and 10 inches is going to take a while to get to. Please pray that I don't give in to my selfishness.
The 11inches I donated last time.

My very first short hair cut

I have seriously forgotten what it is like to have long hair.

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