Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday Thirteen- Standardized Test Edition

  1. I have taken the 5 ridiculously long standardized tests. (not counting TAAS Tests and all the practice tests I took for the other "official" tests I have taken)
  2. SAT
  3. ACT
  4. LSAT
  5. GRE
  6. TeXes EC-4 content exam
  7. I have at least 3 more ridiculously long standardized tests to take.
  8. TeXes PPR exam
  9. TeXes ESL Supplemental exam
  10. Praxis II- Social Studies
  11. After every test I come and take a ridiculously long nap
  12. Tests make my brain fried
  13. I am pretty much a standardized test taking expert.

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