Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Even A Not Me Monday......

The following is a post of life updates in bulleted form. Please feel free to skip this post and tune back in for more exciting blogging in the future.

  • I passed my second (and last) TExES mandatory teacher certification test so now I am "officially" a certified Texas teacher!!!!
  • It has been raining here for what feels like forty days and nights, and it has been COLD. I know I shouldn't complain compared to the people who are having blizzards....but I am SO ready for Spring.
  • Me and the family went to Saturday night church for the first time. Me and Pick loved it; Daddy not so much. It was nice to go to church and then have all day Sunday to do whatever you want. Plus I am always down to change my schedule as to not have to wake up early. ;-)
  • I succumbed to pressure for Pickle and watched the Beverly Hills Chihuahua movie. I have to be honest and admit that it was a really good movie! I tried not to love it but I just couldn't help it. I love me some Chihuahuas!!

I guess that's it...for now....more creativity or awesomeness coming back soon....hahaha....I know my blog has never been filled with awesomeness....but it could happen one day....

1 comment:

Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

Hi Ashley! Thanks for visiting my blog. Love the layout on yours! Oh, and I'm going to tell my hubby that you love the Chihuahua movie...I want to see it! I thin it looks cute...